Real-Life Spiderman Rescues Toddler Dangling From 7th Floor Balcony

A child was hanging onto the edge of a balcony for dear life when his neighbor quite literally turned into Spider-Man to save the day.

A video shot in the city of Foshan, located in the Guangdong Province near south China ... shows a toddler with his head stuck between two metal posts, which are the only things stopping him from falling 7 stories off his apartment patio.

The boy is dangling over the edge, desperately trying to get himself back onto the balcony. Horrified people are watching from below and calling for help.

Suddenly the neighbor jumps out onto his patio gate and shimmies his way over to where the child is and begins to push him back through the bars. The camera pans away for a bit, and when it refocuses -- you see a woman on the other side of the gate trying to help get the child back.

Finally, the boy is slid back inside without harm. The neighbor then begins to make his way back to his unit -- he couldn’t hop the gate or easily enter, so he had to go back the long, dangerous way.

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